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Suraj Vadgama

I design, build and grow tech for good · GitHub icon GitHub · LinkedIn icon LinkedIn


25 Aug 2024 · #leadership
When we can change course easily our need for long range predictions gets less
11 Mar 2024 · #projects
Visit a Heat Pump - A digital service to visit a heat pump near you
Visit a Heat Pump - A digital service to visit a heat pump near you
20 Feb 2022 · #leadership
Levels of understanding and tacit knowledge (read more...)
20 Feb 2022 · #quotes

Evidence should not determine beliefs but update them.

19 Jan 2022 · #quotes
Any strength done too much can become a weakness.
16 Jan 2022 · #design
Innovation is 1% inpiration, 99% perspiration.
01 Apr 2021 · #projects
Ochre - A stakeholder and portfolio management tool for agile work.
Ochre - A stakeholder and portfolio management tool for agile work
20 Mar 2021 · #design

Design is about influencing outcomes.

29 Sep 2020 · #projects
Beehive - A free funding suitability checking tool.
Beehive - A free funding suitability checking tool
26 Nov 2019 · #quotes #leadership

“Listening without interrupting, correcting, contradicting, getting highly excited, questioning, spacing out, or giving advice is one of the deepest spiritual practices anyone can explore.”

23 Nov 2018 · #quotes #leadership

“Tomorrow owes you the sum of your yesterdays. No more than that. … And no less. Sometimes folk wish tomorrow did not pay them off so completely.”

25 Sep 2015 · #quotes

“Just because it’s nobody’s responsibility, doesn’t mean it’s not yours.”

03 Sep 2015 · #quotes

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”